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GOFARM  >  01. Pharmaceutical cream for dry hand skin

01. Pharmaceutical cream for dry hand skin

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The hand cream is a medical device, designed to treat the symptoms of dry skin. It can be used by all people who need protection and treatment for dry hands, especially if they wear protective gloves, disinfect and wash their hands with strong preparations that irritate the skin. It is an excellent choice for doctors, nurses or people who are exposed to dry skin. Therefore, it can also be used by patients suffering from AD, psoriasis, fish scales or other dermatoses. The addition of active substances such as urea or Omega Plus complex further moisturises the skin on the hands and leaves it smooth.

Indications for use:

  • Protection and treatment of dry hand skin symptoms, subjected to frequent disinfection, washing with strong preparations and irritated by wearing protective gloves.
  • Recommended for doctors, medical personnel and people exposed to skin dryness.
  • Additionally: by patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), psoriasis, fish scales, eczema and other dermatoses, as a supplement to the basic therapy.

Active substances:

Urea has a moisturising and water retention effect on the skin.

Omega Plus oil complex additionally lubricates the skin.

SyriCalm creates proper environment for natural renewal processes, eliminates redness, itching or irritation of the epidermis.

Shea butter has a moisturising and greasing effect on the skin and additionally soothes irritations.

Silk proteins retain water in the epidermis making the skin soft.

Intended use of the product: adults, children from 3 years old

Packaging: 100ml plastic tube





This website presents various products available in private label formula: Medical devices, cosmetics and dietary supplements. For medical devices on the website we provide the following information:

This is a Medical device.
Use it according to the instructions of use or label.

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