- In case of dryness of external genitals.
- To maintain physiological pH for women with increased suspectibility to inflammations.
- To protect intimate areas against bacterial and fungal infections.
- In case of feeling of burning, itching and irritation.
- For external use only.
Active ingredients’ properties:
• Hyaluronic acid – a natural component of the human body. Associated with moist secretions of vaginal mucosa, it forms a gel protective film on mucosa surface.
• Lactic acid – by providing an acidic environment of the vagina, maintains the microbial balance and prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria.
• Prebiotic Biolin P – protects the lining of the intimate surroundings by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria.
• Oats proteins – soothe inflammation of intimate surroundings.
Usage: For women, suitable also for pregnant women and after childbirth.
Packaging: Plastic tube 50 ml.